Simple vegetarian borscht, with some gluten-free "cheesy" herb biscuits.
Thursday, December 17, 2020
Saturday, December 12, 2020
Thoughts on The Biggest Little Farm
Nowhere in this film is a thesis of how the Chesters’ model can be used on a grander scale. All it shows is that what they accomplish is possible with the privilege to undertake what most people never could. Is it inspiring? Sure. But it’s also a flash in the pan scenario wherein the big dramatic moments of true conflict are averted. Do they ever run out of money? Not on-screen if so. Did Mother Nature swoop down and destroy everything they built for no reason other than bad luck and climate change? Nope. Chester even admits every problem faced is born from the system York taught them. They’re creative in their ways of rectifying each, but there’s always an alternative approach they reject.
So why not talk about why they have the room to think? Why not mention the bubble in which they exist that lends the morality to be holistic when others simply can’t because shooting a coyote dead could mean whether they eat that month? I blame the lens of letting John Chester control his narrative. He flippantly says at one point that a neighbor would have no issue shooting a predator as though he’s better than stooping to such villainy when the reality is more that he doesn’t have to in order to stay afloat. He’s an award-winning director and cameraman and Molly is a successful flood blogger—this is a dream rather than last chance. It’s dismissive to say, but this is their hobby.
For all its focus on being organic and authentic, there is something distinctly artificial and performative about the film’s polished aesthetic and narrative. It’s like a Thomas Kinkade painting as brought to you by the Hallmark Channel, but with a West Coast granola vibe.
Despite the Chesters’ strong advocacy for examining and knowing one’s culture and ecosystem, the film is mostly absent of examining the larger ecosystem the Chesters are a part of, namely California and the USA. Apart from encroaching wildfires which tragically destroyed so many California homes, this is the Chesters’ wonderful self-made, self-edited world, and we’ve been given the honor of catching a glimpse of their vision. Indeed, The Biggest Little Farm is slick marketing, and the Chesters’ sell themselves well. Based on the huge amounts of renovations and equipment–not to mention people to work their farm for them–they must have found significant investors to afford such a project, and probably are hoping this film helps spread the gospel of Apricot Lane Farms.
Saturday, November 28, 2020
Letting the CPH Go
Last month I let my Certified Professional Horticulturist certification expire. That may seem like an odd thing to announce, but since I've mentioned "CPH" as one of my credentials, it's only fair to announce I'm no longer a part of the program.
So why did I do that? The short answer is that I'm not currently working at a retail nursery, or self-employed full-time as a landscaper, or doing other jobs where the certification would be relevant. It costs money to participate in these organizations, and right now it doesn't make sense to belong to it. I've renewed this cert for years, and even when I was working at a retail nursery that was supposed to give me a $0.50 raise once I got my CPH, it didn't happen. I'm not saying the only reason to be a member should be for personal gain, but at some point I do need to consider the practical reasons. And it's not like I can't go through the whole process again if I feel like it's worth it. Times are rough right now, so I've got to be frugal and pragmatic about this.
Digging deeper, I find myself wanting to speak about a few things that make me uncomfortable about organizations like the WSNLA (Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association), which provides the certification. It's a nuanced take, and I feel a little bad for even going here... but who am I kidding? No one actually reads this blog (who even blogs these days, right?). There's a lot that I like about this organization and certification. The individual members are friendly folks who love plants and want to help make this industry more, well, professional. They network closely with horticulture programs and offer scholarships every year, and I'm very grateful to have received a scholarship during one school quarter. It's useful for the public to have a reliable network of nursery and landscape professionals to help them with their gardening endeavors. In my experience, the general public tends to look down on people who work with plants, assuming that most are unskilled laborers, and that assumption also has a real effect on workers' paychecks. It takes education, experience, and knowledge to understand and apply horticultural principles, and there need to be ways to demonstrate this expertise. In principle, I'm in agreement.
However, how does that play out in reality? With predictably the same results as a lot of professional organizations. There are continuing education requirements every year (something that I again agree with in principle -- one always needs to keep up with their industry), and WSNLA meetings (which cost money to attend) count toward those credits. I often attended these meetings, and the uncomfortable demographic representation was always immediately obvious. Besides the current students, it was largely made up of white, heteronormative, upper-class business owners. Even though WSNLA's own events counted as continuing education, they rarely provided any educational content; it had more of an elite country club feel than anything else. I sometimes attended a meeting after a day of working at a nursery or doing landscaping, and I'd be sweaty and covered in mud, but I'd walk through the door and be surrounded by people who were dressed to the nines like they were at a business conference. Just a tad awkward. It was clear that the group, despite the principles I wish it had, was mostly for successful business owners. There's a large group of people missing from those meetings who have skills and experience, but aren't at the top of the hierarchy. And that hierarchy felt palpable.
I'm sorry if that sounds harsh. The problems that I've outlined here are problems that exist within the whole industry, and more broadly with the entire concept of professionalism. I'm trying to look at this organization (and all groups I belong to) and see why I felt so much dissonance, and that means looking at it through a decolonization lens. I'm also distancing myself from a lot of the status quo ways of changing landscapes into ridiculous displays of conspicuous consumption, whether it's hyper-controlled beds of ornamental plants or a blanket of turf grass. These kinds of accounts inevitably become a part of one's routine, and I'm getting particular about the kinds of work I'm willing to do. My focus has turned toward sustainable agriculture, food justice, and habitat restoration, along with undoing the harm caused by colonization and hierarchical power structures. "CPH" just holds smaller and smaller relevance to those goals as the years go by.
My associate's degree in environmental horticulture covers all the concepts that are tested in the CPH exam. I continue my own education in the books I read, the events I attend, the news I consume, and the projects I bring to fruition. When I'm ready for certifications that will help my family and community, I'll pursue them with intentionality. But for now I'm taking a more critical look at the entire concepts of hierarchies, capitalism, institutional racism, gatekeeping in academia, certifications (be it something like CPH, or even a label like "USDA certified organic"), and how they intersect. It feels best to step away from this particular cert, and if it hurts some future job prospect, I accept that consequence.
(To be clear, I don't want to make anyone feel bad for being a part of WSNLA or putting in the time and money to become a CPH. It's a difficult industry to make a living in, and these certifications do show one's expertise to the future employers and to the public. Like I said, it's a nuanced take.)
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Ecological Loss
Friday, November 13, 2020
More Fall Plantings
I'm definitely leaning into the retail plant therapy right now. Garden Treasures Nursery has some great finds, including big espalier fruit trees, the 'Koto no Ito' Japanese maple I've wanted for ages, and a variegated osmanthus! The fruit trees are huge, and Kate and I both hurt our backs trying to install them. And the osmanthus just excites me because I don't normally see the variegated one at nurseries (this is the one that blooms in the fall, and has a strong fragrance).
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
New Activity in the Front Yard
I'm installing a new, mostly ornamental bed on the north side of the property, just to the east of the driveway. The featured specimen tree of this bed is a Japanese maple, 'Koto no Ito' ("harp strings"), and it's surrounded by a hydrangea, a couple rhododendrons, a couple leucothoe, some blueberries, and some native huckleberries, among other things. It's a combination of purgatory plants that badly need a home and some recent acquisitions. I don't have a strict design in mind -- just going with the flow and seeing what happens.
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Gorgeous Snag is a Garden Treasure
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Bioplastic is Not the Answer
“Bio-based and biodegradable plastic are not any safer than other plastics,” Lisa Zimmermann, aquatic ecotoxicology PhD student at the Goethe University in Frankfurt and lead author of the study, said in a statement.
Previous research have also shown that bioplastics marketed as compostable or biodegradable often don’t actually break down unless they’re sent to specific facilities, and bioplastics made of organic material are most often made of agricultural crops, which compete with food production for land use. Plus, agriculture is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions.
John Hocevar, Greenpeace USA’s oceans campaign director, said the new research adds more weight to his concerns about the utility of bioplastics.
“Bioplastics, like all plastics, commonly contain chemicals that are largely unregulated, even though many are known to cause cancer, reproductive health problems, or other serious diseases. Before introducing new materials, the chemicals involved should be disclosed, tested, and regulated,” said Hocevar, who wasn’t involved in the new study.
(Read the full article here.)
Saturday, October 24, 2020
Mandala Garden Update
Progress on the mandala garden continues. Kate and I have finished the whole outline of the rock wall, and just need to work on building up the height and filling in gaps. One wheelbarrow at a time, we're slowly filling the beds with a mixture of compost and sand and random organic matter.
Whew! We've come a long way since we first started this project. I've learned a lot through trial and error about dry-stacking rocks, and I feel like I'm finally starting to get the hang of it now that we're almost done. C'est la vie.
Thursday, October 22, 2020
I Tried Amanita Muscaria for the First Time
...and they were delicious! Kate and I harvested some from a nearby schoolyard, and carefully prepared them by boiling twice (throwing out the water each time), and then sautéing. Surprisingly, these mushrooms still have a good texture and nutty flavor, even after all the boiling.
To be clear -- because I know some folks will be concerned -- yes, Amanita muscaria, also known as the fly agaric, is classified as poisonous and/or hallucinogenic. The main psychoactive substances in this mushroom are the neurotoxins ibotenic acid and muscimol. However, paraboiling and draining out the water will break down the psychoactive and toxic components. It's worth mentioning that this method doesn't work for other, truly poisonous mushrooms, like Amanita phalloides (death cap mushroom), which contain deadly amatoxins that cannot be cooked out of the mushroom.
We successfully prepared these mushrooms and did not experience any ill or psychoactive effects (and from what I hear, the mind-altering effects are rather unpleasant anyway). If you do find these in the wild and want to give them a try, do your research and make sure you have a positive ID, which tends to be pretty easy with their red caps and white spots.
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Flirting with Pawpaws
Pawpaws are the northernmost member of the mostly tropical custard apple family, kin to soursops, cherimoyas, sugar apples and ylang-ylangs. Nutritionally these sweet, rich fruits are a lot like bananas — high in vitamins, minerals and energy-supplying calories. (They are not related to the papaya, even though papaya is sometimes called pawpaw.)
“Everybody in the botanical world, everybody in the environmental world — they’re all familiar with the pawpaw,” said Matthew Dain, 28, of the New York Restoration Project, which helps manage green spaces and gardens in New York City.
The group has recently increased its focus on pawpaws, distributing trees and spring seed-starting kits. Pawpaw trees stay small enough to fit a couple into small city plots — at least two varieties are needed for cross-pollination — and can withstand the already prevalent effects of climate change, like warmer temperatures or more pests and diseases.
Monday, October 19, 2020
Sunday, October 18, 2020
Apple Cinnamon Pastries
Tree-Planting on Orca Recovery Day
This weekend the Clallam Conservation District and the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe requested volunteers to plant 2,000 conifer trees during Orca Recovery Day in the former Lake Aldwell reservoir, and Kate and I made the trek out to the peninsula to help.
With the population of Southern Resident Orca Whales at a 30-year low, the need for large scale restoration efforts has become crucial. Accustomed to being boots on the ground organizations, Washington conservation districts saw the need to mobilize people into action and created Orca Recovery Day, a day of action that has brought people throughout the Pacific Northwest together to restore habitat, reduce stormwater pollution, and provide education.
On October 17, 2020 conservation districts around the state, along with dozens of non-profit and agency partners, are coming together for the third annual Orca Recovery Day to provide opportunities for people to take action on this critical issue.
Locally, Clallam Conservation District and the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe are teaming up to support orca recovery by focusing restoration efforts on the Elwha River. The removal of the Lower Elwha Dam in 2011 and the upper Glines Canyon Dam in 2014 gave unrestricted passage to Chinook salmon, as well as other fish species, to make their way through the Elwha River system. The removal of the dams left roughly 600 acres of former lakebeds to return to native forests for the freed up Elwha River to flow through. Harsh growing conditions, such as no top soil, have made establishing conifer trees a challenge in the old lakebeds. Restoration plantings, such as those being planned for Orca Recovery Day, are crucial to help accelerate restoration of fish habitat in the Elwha River for both salmon and orca recovery.
We checked in, picked up our two bags of trees, and hiked to the designated area, where we planted a total of 40 conifers (mix of Doug firs and Western red cedars). Here's hoping they all succeed!
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Existing vegetation |
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New planting |
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Salmon remains -- an encouraging sight! Photo credit: Kate |
Saturday, October 17, 2020
Tall Silhouette
This one is huge! (And my crap photo doesn't do it justice.) I'm glad the park service has kept it. Lots of good perching spots. Observed on October 13, 2020.
Friday, October 16, 2020
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
A Gardening First: Sunchokes
Earlier this year, Kate scored a few little sunchoke plants from her local buy-nothing group. We planted them in the west bed by the house, and throughout the summer we've been impressed by their vegetative growth. It was exciting to see what these plants would do, since neither of us had grown them before. We were hoping for flowers, but never got any. They just kept growing taller and taller. And I had no idea what I was going to find when it came time to harvest.
These things are wild! These oddly shaped root vegetables are in the sunflower family, and they have an earthy, nutty flavor that's reminiscent of sunflower seeds. We sliced them up and roasted them, and wow! I've got a new favorite root vegetable. I can't wait to make this a staple in my diet. Apparently they're low calorie, very nutritious, and high in fiber. Sounds like a win to me.