Friday, October 25, 2013

Fun Friday: GMOs

I have to admit: I almost don't want to mention this topic because of how heated the debates are getting over the production, labeling, consumption, and patenting of genetically modified foods. However, the truth still remains that new technology involving the very food that we eat requires careful study and consideration. This is the second Fun Friday discussion my horticulture class has had on the subject, and I'm glad we've taken some time to talk about it. It's important that we all try to stay objective and look at the whole picture of what's happening here, and that's hard! There's a lot of misleading data, emotional arguments, and propaganda to wade through, and it's difficult to filter out the noise. Now with Initiative 522 on the ballot in Washington to label GM foods, the pressure has only increased to find the right answers.

People have valid concerns. I know it's tempting to shove everyone with hesitation or concern into the extreme anti-science and anti-GMO camp, but I don't think that's a fair characterization (and it's one that doesn't foster useful communication and education). I'd venture to say that most people are genuinely seeking answers and want to understand what this new technology is all about. In light of that, I'd like to share a video by Bill Nye that takes a pretty balanced approach to explaining the history and science of GM food. It's a little simplified (and has those classic silly Bill Nye moments), but I think it does a good job of describing what genetic modification is and who the big players are in this debate.

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