Saturday, May 25, 2019

Snaggy Saturdays

Several natural snags found at Twin Rivers Park in Arlington, WA. Observed on April 27, 2019.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Introducing...The Patch!

(We haven't come up with a good name for it.)

A few gardeners and I have been clearing space for the food bank bed. We've dug up most of the weeds and brought over a layer of compost. I made a little dry river rock pathway for funsies. Recently we planted corn in the circles on the left, a row of my favorite mix of sunflower seeds toward the front [of this photo], and some squash starts. I'll plant some beans and whatever else takes my fancy on the right side of the path. I'm excited to see how this develops. The Patch will mostly be responsibility, so hopefully I don't screw it up!

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Snaggy Saturdays

Intentional snags at the Country Charm Conservation Area in Arlington, WA. Birds love this place, and I want to remind myself to learn more about this place, since it's so local. Observed April 27, 2019.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Snaggy Saturdays at Horticulture School

Tangled tree remains incorporated into a garden at the Lake Washington School of Horticulture's arboretum in Kirkland, WA. Observed April 26, 2019.